90-180 DAYS

Volcanoes, much like humans, are creators and destroyers. We build and nurture while simultaneously battling against our environment, leaving both beauty and destruction in our wake. In the face of urgent environmental challenges, 90 to 180 Days explores these dualities using bioplastics to symbolize our potential to transform waste into new life.

The project connects the natural world with modern technology, focusing on the transformative journey of bioplastic materials. Created using biodegradable and compostable bioplastics, the title 90 to 180 Days reflects the time it takes for biodegradable matter to return to nature. The work becomes part of this process, slowly decomposing and contributing to the environment, highlighting the need for society to embrace circular economies.

Crafted with zero-waste materials, the project addresses sustainable methods of photographic printing, including etching press and silk printing techniques. These eco-friendly practices emphasize the importance of reducing environmental impact throughout the creative process.

By incorporating bioplastics, 90 to 180 Days serves as a visual metaphor for the life cycle of these materials, showcasing their ability to transform from waste into valuable resources through composting. This project seeks to raise awareness about the importance of proper labeling, collection, and recycling of biodegradable materials. It demonstrates how something as simple as bioplastic packaging can have a profound positive impact on both nature and the lives of citizens.

Just as volcanic landscapes evolve and reshape over time, the project  illustrates the transformative power of bioplastics within the natural cycle. As an artist concerned with environmental issues, I am committed to exploring sustainable practices, embracing zero-waste photographic printing methods throughout the creation process.

In conclusion, it highlights the importance of proper recycling and labeling of biodegradable materials, showcasing how art can engage the public in understanding the value of responsible environmental practices.